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Scholarships and Awards

Family and Consumer Sciences offers scholarships to current students and students entering the department as freshmen or transfer students. The application serves for all departmental awards and only one application per student is needed to apply for all departmental scholarships. Applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are deemed eligible. Normally, recipients are limited to one scholarship award per year.

The 2025-2026 Scholarship Applications are below.

How to Apply

  • Current Students

    Recipients must be full-time students with a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences. Recipients must have an established Illinois State grade point average. Applications are open November 1 and will close January 31.

    Apply now for a current student scholarship
  • Freshman Students

    Recipients must be entering as a full-time freshman student with a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences. Applications are open November 1 and will close April 1.

    Apply now for a freshman student scholarship
  • Transfer Students

    Recipients must be full-time transfer students with a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences. Applications are open November 1 and will close April 1.

    Apply now for a transfer student scholarship

Current Student Scholarships

Barbara M. Clauser Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Graduate or undergraduate student with at least sophomore standing (no less than 30 credit hours completed at the time of application)
  • Declared major (or applied to major) in FCS
  • Be a full-time student
  • Have at least a 3.0 GPA overall
  • Financial need will be taken into consideration

Charlotte E. Talkington Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • At least 60 credit hours completed
  • Declared FCS Teacher Education major
  • Demonstrated community service and/or leadership qualities and experience

Dora L. Munson Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • GPA of at least 2.5
  • Declared FCS major with sophomore, junior or senior standing in the fall semester
  • Must show promise and commitment to pursuing careers in education either in a traditional school setting or in a non-school learning setting
  • The potential to make a positive influence on society
  • Possess strong principles and be of high character
  • Demonstrate financial need

Educational Opportunity Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Be currently enrolled as an FCS major
  • Graduate or undergraduate student with at least sophomore standing (no less than 30 credit hours)
  • Be in good academic standing
  • Secure recommendations from two FCS faculty members

Hattie Lundgren Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Graduate or undergraduate student majoring in FCS
  • Be actively involved in community volunteer activities

Jesse Rambo and Florence Runyon Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • FCS major with senior standing by fall semester and have at least 3.0 overall GPA
  • Must demonstrate financial need
  • Evidence of campus activities and leadership
  • Demonstrate potential for professional success

John A., Mabel E. and Jacqueline Q. Karch Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Student in Family and Consumer Sciences. Preference given to FCS Teacher Education and Food, Nutrition, and Dietetics majors
  • Preference given to sophomore, junior, or senior standing
  • Demonstrated academic achievement by having at least a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale
  • Be of good character and have two references from faculty members

Karen S. Morton Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Have at least 60 hours completed at the time of application
  • Declared FCS major in Human Development and Family Science with a minimum 2.5 GPA overall
  • Financial need may be taken into consideration

Lois R. Jett Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Upcoming senior in good standing at ISU
  • Major in Fashion Design and Merchandising
  • Maintain an overall 3.7 GPA
  • Use scholarship for educational/housing expenses
  • Demonstrate involvement in extracurricular activities, civic organizations, and/or community service
  • Preference is given to students with strong interest and expertise in one or more of the following:
    • Fashion history and garment conservation
    • Garment construction and tailoring
    • Apparel design through flat pattern and draping

Mae Warren Feeney Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Must be an FCS major
  • Sophomore, junior, or senior standing (at least 30 credits at Illinois State) fall semester
  • Maintain at least a 2.0 overall GPA
  • Demonstrate financial need

Margaret Ann Hayden Endowed Scholarship in Fashion Design

Criteria required:

  • Must be enrolled in good standing at Illinois State University
  • Demonstrate academic achievement, as evidenced by a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or as a transfer student a comparable GPA at their previous institution
  • Must have completed at least 30 college credit hours with sophomore status and majoring in Fashion Design and Merchandising

Mary Scheeler Crane Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Be a student in good standing at Illinois State and maintain at least a 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Major in an area of specialization in FCS
  • Use the scholarship for educational and/or housing expenses

Riggs Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Student must be at a grade level of: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior
  • Student must be majoring in Fashion Design and Merchandising

Sharon and Parker Lawlis Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Be an undergraduate student in good standing and have completed at least 60 credit hours, having a GPA of at least 3.0
  • Major in teacher education in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, if no applicants meet these criteria, other students majoring in FCS will be considered
  • Demonstrate financial need

Sommer Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Undergraduate FCS Major with a 2.75 minimum GPA
  • Involvement in school and/or community activities
  • Financial need will be taken into consideration

Susan R. Hoblit Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Major in (or have applied to major in) FCS with an emphasis in Interior Design
  • Have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 (if currently an Illinois State student)
  • Demonstrate financial need

Tricia Widner Johnson Memorial Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Applicants should be a declared major in the Fashion Design and Merchandising program
  • Demonstrate passion, contribution, commitment, and/or leadership within the Fashion Design and Merchandising program, FDMA, FDMA Fashion Show, the Lois Jett Historic Costume Collection or the apparel industry
  • Have an overall GPA of 3.0

Freshman Scholarships

My Mentors Scholarship

Each candidate for My Mentors Scholarship must be or have:

  • Accepted for enrollment at Illinois State University.
  • An incoming freshman with a declared major in Family and Consumer Sciences and must remain in that major for the duration of the scholarship.
  • Demonstrated financial need.
  • Demonstrated community service and/or leadership qualities while in high school.
  • Preference will be given to a student who is a member of Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).

Additional qualifications:

  • One new freshman recipient, with a declared FCS major, will be selected each year.
  • To be considered for any scholarship that lists financial need as a selection criterion, applicants must have a current FAFSA filed with the Financial Aid Office and must sign the financial release form included in the scholarship application packet.
  • Scholarship awards are applied directly to the recipient’s Student Account for the fall 2019 semester after the fall 2019 Census Day.

FCS Recruitment and Retention Scholarship

Each candidate for the Family and Consumer Sciences Recruitment and Retention Endowed Scholarship must be or have:

  • Accepted for enrollment at Illinois State University.
  • An incoming freshman majoring in one of the programs in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Illinois State University with preference given to a Teacher Education major. This scholarship is renewable for a maximum of an additional three years as long as the student continues to meet the required qualifications.
  • Demonstrated academic achievement as evidenced by a comparable cumulative high school GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for incoming freshmen. This cumulative GPA must be maintained all of the subsequent years to continue to qualify for renewal of this scholarship for a maximum of three additional years.
  • Demonstrated financial need.
  • Demonstrated high school involvement in leadership activities, community service, and/or achieved awards and honors.

Additional qualifications:

  • One new freshman recipient, with a declared FCS major, will be selected each year.
  • Recipients must remain a declared major in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences in order to continue receiving the scholarship. If the recipient changes her/his major, s/he will forfeit the scholarship.
  • To be considered for any scholarship that lists financial need as a selection criterion, applicants must have a current FAFSA filed with the Financial Aid Office and must sign the financial release form included in the scholarship application packet.
  • Scholarship awards are applied directly to the recipient’s Student Account for the fall 2019 semester after the fall 2019 Census Day.

Riggs Scholarship

Each candidate for the Riggs Scholarship must be or have:

  • Student must be at a grade level of: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior
  • Student must be majoring in Fashion Design and Merchandising

Susan R. Hoblit Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Be a student in good standing at Illinois State and maintain at least a 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale
  • Major in an area of specialization in FCS
  • Use the scholarship for educational and/or housing expenses

Mary Scheeler Crane Scholarship

Criteria required:

  • Major in (or have applied to major in) FCS with an emphasis in Interior Design
  • Have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 (if currently an Illinois State student)
  • Demonstrate financial need

Transfer Scholarships

  • FCS Transfer Scholarship

    Students must have at least 30 semester hours completed from another institution and be transferring as a full-time students with a major in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Illinois State University.

FCS Department Awards

Past FCS Student Award Recipients

  • Student Ambassador Award

    As a junior or senior student ambassador who has completed all requirements, we invite you to apply for the FCS Student Ambassador Award. Students who qualify for this award will be notified about the application process. The FCS Scholarship and Awards Committee will review the applicants and select the recipients. The award recipient will be announced at our FCS Awards Ceremony.

  • Student Teaching Award

    I encourage each of you to apply for the FCS Student Teaching Award. Students who qualify for this award will be notified about the application process. The FCS Scholarship and Awards Committee will review the applicants and select the recipients. The award recipient will be announced at our FCS Awards Ceremony. 

  • DEBI Award

    The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is committed to an environment of Diversity, Equity, Belongingness, and Inclusiveness (DEBI).  Notifications will be sent about application process. We will reach out to those nominated to provide additional information by February 15th. The FCS Scholarship and Awards Committee will review the applicants and select the recipients. Both award recipients will be announced at our FCS Awards Ceremony.