Xiu, D., Dyar, C., Fonseca Pereira, G., Vaux, D. (2024, March). Multigenerational households in the United States: Design for American Families. IDEC Annual Conference, New York City, NY
Book, Chapter
Kang, M., & Fonseca Pereira, G. Designing co-living communities for the aging population. Transforming issues in housing design. Wiley (2023)
Altenburger, E., & Fonseca Pereira, G. Navigating the space between soft leads and mixed reality with design students. Nisha Ashanti (EDs), Handbook of Interior Architecture. Routledge
Conference Proceeding
Fonseca Pereira, G., Gruber, D., & Bicudo, A. A case study of Inclusive Design to improve sense of belonging in higher education.. EDRA55 Annual Conference Proceedings (2024)
Fonseca Pereira, G. Exploring students’ experiences with mixed reality technology in interior design projects: a pilot study.. 2024 IDEC Annual Conference Proceedings (2024)
Fonseca Pereira, G., Kang, M., & Elsey, E. Potential hazards in aging parents’ homes and adult children’s attitude towards Gerontechnology for falls. 2024 IDEC Annual Conference Proceedings. (2024)
Culbreth, C., & Fonseca Pereira, G. Inclusive Design Analysis in Educational Spaces and Users’ Perceptions: A Case Study.. EDRA54 (2023)
DeZur, E., Culbreth, C., Elsey, E., & Fonseca Pereira, G. The Potential Use of Unity Game Engine for VR in Interior Design Human Factors Research.. EDRA54 (2023)
Journal Article
Whelan, E., Dyar, C., Edwards, K., Altenburger, E., Fonseca Pereira, G., & Johnson, B. Anticipated satisfaction of technologies in the homes & lives of older adults to prolong independence. Online Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (2023)
Xiu, D., Dyar, C., & Fonseca Pereira, G. Multigenerational living style is back? An awareness for interior Designers. Dana E. Vaux (EDs). IDEC Exchange A Forum for Interior Design Education. 1.Spring (2023): 13-14.
Pereira, G. F., & Kang, M. (2022). Examining the diffusion of fall monitoring gerontechnology among older adults for aging-in-place. Journal of Aging and Social Change, 13(1), 33-48. doi: 10.18848/2576-5310/CGP/v13i01/33-48
Sehn, T., Pereira, G. F., Ruecker, S., & Aymone, L. (2020). Reading together: A way to bring older adults closely and increase place attachment. PIXO – Journal of Architecture, City, and Contemporaneity, 4(4), 32-51. doi: 10.15210/pixo.v4i14.19885.
Pereira, G. F., Kang, M., & Sample, R. (2019). Older adults’ perceptions on accessibility in a senior cohousing community. International Journal of Constructed Environment, 10(2), 9-25. doi: 10.18848/2154-8587/CGP/v10i02/9-25.
Belonging/Inclusion in Campus Spaces: Considering Caregiving and Intersectional Identities. Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations. National Council on Family Relations. (2024)
Xiu, D., Dyar, C., Fonseca Pereira, G., Vaux, D. (2024, March). Multigenerational households in the United States: Design for American Families. IDEC Annual Conference, New York City, NY. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://idec.org/wp-content/uploads/2024-Proceedings-Report_Final-6_11_24.pdf
Aging simulation to build learning and empathy among interior design students.. EDRA53. Environmental Design Research Association. (2022)
Home spaces used as third places during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults living in the U.S.A. and in Brazil.. IDEC. Interior Design Educators Council. (2022)
Use of gaming program Unity for interior design virtual reality 3D modeling. IDEC. Interior Design Educators Council. (2022)
Anticipated Satisfaction of Technologies in the Homes & Lives of Older Adults to Prolong Independence. IDEC National Fall Symposium. Interior Design Educators Council. (2021)
Difficulties for Aging-in-Place in a Senior Cohousing Community: A Pilot Study.. EDRA52. Environmental Design Research Association. (2021)
Interior design teaching at public universities in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic.. IDEC Annual Meeting. Interior Design Educators Council. (2021)
Senior Co-Housing Dementia Care Facility; A Qualitative Study. IDEC National Fall Symposium. Interior Design Educators Council. (2021)
Social Interaction during the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Older Adults at Home. EDRA52.. Environmental Design Research Association. (2021)
Educating older adults on home modifications through Virtual Reality experience to promote aging-in-place.. BirdFEEDER (Fund for Experimentation, Enquiry and the DEvelopment of Student Research). Illinois State University. (2025)
Center for Inclusive Intergenerational Environment. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2023)
CAST Grant for Innovation in Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion (DEBI). CAST. Illinois State University. (2022)
Enabling Extended Reality and Game-Based Learning in Design and Construction Courses.. University Teaching Grant. Illinois State University. (2022)
Examining Gerontechnology’s diffusion for falls among the decision-makers to support their parents’ aging-in-place.. Interior Design Educators Council Foundation (IDECF) Special Projects Grant. Other. (2022)