Dr. Julie Schumacher
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Julie Schumacher is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Professor in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at Illinois State University. Dr. Schumacher received her BS in Food, Nutrition & Dietetics from South Dakota State University and her MS in Family & Consumer Sciences- Dietetic Internship and EdD in Curriculum and Instruction from Illinois State University. Julie is director of the accredited Didactic Program in Dietetics (DPD) at Illinois State University. She previously served as Dietetic Internship Director for 19 years. Julie is Past-President of the Central Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Past-Chair of the local McLean County Wellness Coalition. Julie’s research interests include educational technology in dietetics and community wellness.
Current Courses
400.014Independent Study
480.091Leadership in Dietetics
498.014Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences
474.001Advanced Nutrition Support
474.091Advanced Nutrition Support
499.014Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
400.014Independent Study
498.006Professional Practice: Family And Consumer Sciences
481.001Seminar in Dietetics 1
291.014Undergraduate Teaching Experiences In Family And Consumer Sciences
Research Interests & Areas
As Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics, my role is to help nutrition students meet the student learning outcomes outlined by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. I believe evidence-based research should be guiding the changes in dietetics education, and my goal is to be at the forefront of this research. The field of dietetics is behind other allied health professionals in terms of technology in education. My long-term goal is to lead dietetic educators in using evidence-based approaches in educating future registered dietitians. Work with a colleague in the Mennonite College of Nursing has led me to a research interest in preventing weight loss in elderly adults and nursing home residents. Evidenced based policies for nursing home administrators and dietitians is an area that is under researched. My research agenda includes a focus with the nutritional guidelines for preventing weight loss in nursing home residents. Through my involvement on the McLean County Wellness Coalition, I work with individuals from several facilities around the Bloomington-Normal area such as the McLean County Health Department, YMCA, YWCA, OSF St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Carle BroMenn Medical Center, State Farm Insurance, and many others. Our mission is to ‘Make the healthy choice the easy choice’ in Bloomington-Normal. It is important to search for national grants supporting community wellness and have the momentum from the coalition members to implement new wellness programs and research their effectiveness.
EDD Curriculum and Instruction - Nutrition Education
MS Dietetics - Family and Consumer Sciences
BS Nutrition, Food Science, and Dietetics
Phyllis Memken Outstanding Teacher Award
Innovation in Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion CAST Grant Award
Best Article in Foods and Nutrition for 2020 (Presented in 2021)
Outstanding Paper Award for 2020 (Selected in 2021)
Outstanding Service Award
Foundations of Diversity & Inclusion Certificate
Outstanding University Teaching Award-Teaching Initiative
Best Article in Foods and Nutrition for 2014
Departmental Research Award
Illinois Outstanding Dietetic Educator of the Year in a DI Program
Journal Article
Magazine/Trade Publication
Heindl, Z., Bardwell, A., Schumacher, J., & Russell, L. (2023, Mar.). Evaluation of diet quality, alcohol intake, and physical activity in cancer survivors and the association with primary source of nutrition advice. Poster presented at the Illinois Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Spring Assembly, virtual conference.